
Attaining accountability and transparency in Public Financial Management for achieving good governance.


Conducting effective audit of public sector operations for optimum utilisation of public resources providing reliable and objective information to assist in establishing accountability and transparency in government activities.

Core Values

Core Values

Brief Introduction of the Office

Directorate of Mission Audit is one of the seventeen (17) audit directorates under the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh (OCAG). This audit directorate is responsible for carrying out audit of all Budgetary Central Government (BCG), Statutory Public Authority (SPA), State Owned Institution (SOI) and Public Enterprise (PE) belonging to two Ministries, namely ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment (MoEWOE). There is no regional office of this directorate.

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Md. Aminul Islam

Director General

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